most advanced of the three-model Omega Gas series, the 250
provides the extra versatility of a sideburner to fry, boil, or
steam ingredients for an easy barbecue banquet. The Omega Gas
250 also has a one piece hammertone painted roasting hood, piezo
ignition for the dual burners, chrome cooking grill, two folding
side shelves, bottom storage space and lava rock. Heavy duty
wheels, and removeable front screen.
Cooking Area
L:500mm x W:360mm
Assembled size
L:1135mm x W:495mm x H:1035mm
FREE propane regulator included
One piece hammertone painted hood
Aluminised dual control burner
Chrome grill
Lava rock
Piezo ignition and easy control heat
Side burner for extra cooking space
One folding side table
Factory assembled hood and body
Removable nylon screen
Metal base shelf for extra storage